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Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

Joining Ginny today for Yarn Along Knitting – I started a test for Elena of Anadiomena Designs. This one is similar to her Wild Vanilla pattern that I knit in the summer but this time with a fun kangaroo pocket that I think T will really love. T is finding most wool itchy at the moment, especially  Berroco Ultra Alpaca, hopefully she will grow out of this, but for now… Read More »Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

Joining Ginny for Yarn Along this week. I’m currently reading The Night Circus by Erin Morganstern along with folks in The PlayfulDay Podcast Group on Ravelry. I didn’t read the synapses before I dove into this one, much like with The Knife of Never Letting Go Le Cirque des Rêves, is only open at night. A circus that arrives without warning, one day its there the next day it isn’t. The black and… Read More »Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

Yarnalong Gsheller Gray

Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

Knitting – I’m trying to get some WIP’s finished up because I have so many projects lined up that I want to cast on for. I know if I don’t finish these now they will end up in the pile of unfinished socks I already have on the go. I just have the feet and toes to go and I’m hoping to get a good chunk of that done today.… Read More »Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

Excited to join Yarn Along today and tell you about a book I just couldn’t put down! I read Yellow Crocus by Laila Ibrahim in two days. I stayed up waaaay too late the first night and then finished it off during nap time the following day.  Set in the 1800’s on a Cotton Plantation the story is told in the eyes of  Mattie a slave who has to leave… Read More »Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

It’s time for another yarn along with Ginny I’m afraid I haven’t got much reading done lately. I started listening to book 3 of the Hunger Games called Mockingjay but didn’t get very far. As for knitting I think I’ve done more winding than knitting. I ran out of yarn for my Vintage inspired socks I was working on…. a knitter from my local knitting group  is hooking me up… Read More »Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

Yarnalong Gsheller Gray

Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

As I type T is playing hairdresser…. I’ve got one eye squinted from the pain of the round brush jabbing into my head, I’m being asked to tilt  my head waaay waaay back so she can wash it and then spraying hairspray on top. Boss has his paw on my arm as if to say HELLLOOOO you aren’t touching me while Molly, oh sweet Molly dreams of daddy on her… Read More »Yarn Along | Celtic Cast On

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Yarn Along 18 | Celtic Cast On

Joining Ginny for her weekly Yarn Along ~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs.  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? Take a photo and share it either on your blog or on Flickr. This week I’m listening… Read More »Yarn Along 18 | Celtic Cast On

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Yarn Along 15 | Celtic Cast On

Thank you for all the great suggestions you left in the comments of  the last yarn along. I’ve been checking things out adding to my GoodReads *to read* section and sourcing out some great audio books. I think I’m set for a while but I will definitely be putting the question out again when I’m ready for more. Joining Ginny this week for another Yarn Along. Reading : I recently… Read More »Yarn Along 15 | Celtic Cast On

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Yarn Along 11 | Celtic Cast On

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? Take a photo and share it either on your blog or on Flickr. Knitting – I couldn’t resist joining in on the Solid Socks… Read More »Yarn Along 11 | Celtic Cast On

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Yarn Along 10 | Celtic Cast On

Its been a while since I’ve Joining Ginny for Yarn Along. To be honest I haven’t been reading at all until I downloaded an audio book yesterday.  So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? Reading – I downloaded Little Princes by Connor Grennan from my local library’s site. I love that I can download audiobooks and ebooks for free from them. Although the selection… Read More »Yarn Along 10 | Celtic Cast On