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Aran Accent Vest


Anger and Frustration | Celtic Cast On

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Thats all I have to say. Ok so its a little more than that but GRRRRRRRRRRRRR is very appropriate. Soooo my boss quite work last week, in the midst of peak season……… high and dry…………. grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! Work SUCKS right now. We have two newbies (management) who don’t know what they are doing, no communication, and the whole team is just GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Alot of things are happening that shouldn’t be, and… Read More »Anger and Frustration | Celtic Cast On


First Snow! | Celtic Cast On

Saturday night we got the first snow of the season, about 3 inches. The good thing about being in the country is that it stays longer so Sunday we were able to take the dogs out and enjoy it. Here’s Bosty Saturday night as the snow was just starting to fall.        ~ Ok Mum what’s with the white stuff?? ~   The next day……    ~ Sniff sniff sniff!! Can I… Read More »First Snow! | Celtic Cast On


New Knit | Celtic Cast On

New Knit in the Hooouse!!! I cast on for the Aran Accent Vest from the Patons Cables booklet monday. I’m using Patons Classic Merino Wool, as called for in the pattern in Paprika, I almost went with a mustard colour, it was calling me for some reason but ended up going with Paprika. I’m happy with how the colour is turning out. This is how much I’ve done so far.… Read More »New Knit | Celtic Cast On


Changes Afoot! | Celtic Cast On

Not only are leaves changing and temperatures changing there are big things happening at CelticCastOn. Its not an overnight change mind you, its going to be slow and steady. Here’s a little taste of what we’ve been up to. This delivery came a few weeks ago. Dog’s checking out the goods. Some major thinning….. And my nose has been stuck in the bottom book for the last little while. What… Read More »Changes Afoot! | Celtic Cast On


Mr. Paisley | Celtic Cast On

So Tuesday night was all excitement on the ridge. I donned my new…… My new cowboy hat and REAL cowboy boots……. I’m in love!!!! I got these at Sheplers in Kansas, I’m in love with that store too!!!! Laura took us there to get Moose a cowboy hat and I end up getting boots *insert cheesy grin* I wanted everything there, it all was so dang cute!! We wore our… Read More »Mr. Paisley | Celtic Cast On

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Celtic Cast On » Dogs, Yarn and Vacation!!!

Where IS the summer going??? Its August already???  The only reason I’m happy to see August is for VACATION!!!!! Since its only 2 weeks away I guess I should fill you all in on where we are off to. We’re taking two weeks and going on a half road trip half plane trip if you will. We’re driving to NJ to hang with the lovely Claudia, hubby and Bayou for… Read More »Celtic Cast On » Dogs, Yarn and Vacation!!!

Celtic Cast On » HARLOT ATTACK!!!!

The Harlot is coming the Harlot is coming!!!!! I can’t believe i’m actually posting this!! The day has come ladies and gentlemen!!! The Harlot is coming to Hali!!!!! Check it out!!! August 7th!!! Any groupies in my area wanna go??? Let me know! Not to fear Laura, she’s coming to your neck of the woods too!!!!   Name (required) Mail (will not be published) (required) Website  

House update | Celtic Cast On

WE GOT THE HOUSE!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Not only did we get the 30 acres but they added in the 10 they had set aside for themselves so really it is 40 acres!!! That is all