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Pavilion Socks | Celtic Cast On

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Pattern: Pavilion Mystery KAL by Rachel Coopey

Yarn: Wandering Cat Yarns Alley Cat BFL in English Toffee

I finished my Pavilion socks! I kind of lost momentum on the second sock and the foot seemed to take forever but I pushed through and finished them. It then took a while for me to get pictures…

Mods: I knit these on 2.25mm’s instead of 2.5’s but when up a sock size and knit the medium to compensate for my smaller needles.

I also added two more slipped stitches to the sides of the heel flap because it wasn’t quite long enough as written.

This was my first time knitting with Wandering Cat Yarns and won’t be my last. Valerie and Rhonda really nail their colours, this is english toffee to a T! Alley Cat BFL is one of those thinner sock yarns that are becoming more and more popular. I really enjoyed knitting with it and I’m interested to see how these wear with their nylon content.

Rachel designed these socks as one of the knit alongs for Unwind Brighton, a fiber festival that happened in Brighton, England just over a week ago.

The Royal Pavilion or Brighton Pavilion as it is now called was Rachel’s inspiration. A little research tells me that the Pavilion, built in three stages,was once a royal residence.

During the first world war it was turned into a military hospital for 14,000 wounded and now is a tourist attraction. You can see the picture of the hospital here

I love learning about buildings with so much history!

 So there you have it!

Another pair of socks complete which means its time to cast on another pair!

I really must get up to date with my picture taking though, things are getting finished before I have even pulled the camera out.

Such is the busyness of summer!