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Gluten Dairy Wheat Free

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In the Kitchen: Breakfast – Paleo Biscuits and Jam | Celtic Cast On

My kitchen has been hopping! There are only 4 of these left from the batch I made a few days ago so I thought I’d better tell you about them before the only thing I have left to show are crumbs. Things are getting easier with my new lifestyle change and eating good food all the time is just another part of my day and it feels great! I have… Read More »In the Kitchen: Breakfast – Paleo Biscuits and Jam | Celtic Cast On

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In The Kitchen: Dinner and a Dessert | Celtic Cast On

I’ve been spending a lot of time in the kitchen as of late. Since changing my dietary needs I’ve had to be more aware of what’s on hand and what can be made for each meal that follow my guidelines. I’m loosely following Paleo but not putting as much emphasis on meat as paleo seems to do. I’m learning as I go and creating some yummy things with a few tweaks… Read More »In The Kitchen: Dinner and a Dessert | Celtic Cast On

Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins | Celtic Cast On

Since last summer I’ve been having some health issues and suffering from GERD. It is not a fun disease and being in pain after eating anything is no fun at all. As a result of this I have had to really change what I’m eating and probably the biggest thing is trying going Gluten, Dairy and Wheat Free. I can see a big change with the dairy already although I… Read More »Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins | Celtic Cast On