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Pasture | Celtic Cast On


Almost a month ago we seeded the pasture….


Not a very exciting picture for most but this picture represents all our hard work over the past months coming to life.

We cleared treed land, dug it all up, tilled, picked rocks, limed, seeded…. all with only the hope that this would work. After each step was completed we still didn’t feel any farther ahead, it still just looked like a bunch of mud. That picture above, with those little green sprouts is proof that this actually could work. There are little clumps of sprouts all over the pasture which excites me to no end. Although the grass will mostly stay dormant until the spring, I’m hopeful it will really take off.

We’ve been trying to keep the dogs and ourselves off of it as much as possible but the work on the pasture is far from over. Its fencing time!!


Rolling out the first roll of fencing was very exciting! Once again it just brings us one step closer to our goal. We’re a good part of the way through our 3rd roll and think about 1 more roll will do it to complete the outside perimeter.


There’s been many trials and tribulations working with this fencing. Roadblocks have occurred, we’ve had to work things differently than we originally planned on but we are getting there slowly but surely. There have been some pretty cold days we’ve been fencing, my Casually Cowl has kept me nice and toasty. I can’t wait to get some use out of it snow shoeing this winter.

 Its amazing when I walk out the front door now, I look over, see fencing up and can actually picture animals roaming around in there. Roll on spring so we can build the barn!!!