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I Heart Cardigans | Celtic Cast On

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Pattern:I Heart Cardigans by Tanis Lavallee

Yarn:Tanis Fiber Arts Green Label in Chris Grey

My Rav Project Page

Over the summer Tanis asked me to test her newest design I Heart Cardigans

Sometimes I swear Tanis is in my head because she always seems to design the perfect garment that I am dreaming about at that point and time. She hit the nail on the head with I Heart Cardigans

A cozy worsted weight cardiganized version of I Heart Aran with tons of cabley goodness and that shawl collar I love so much. This cardigan couldn’t get any better….. or could it?

When choosing a colour for my cardigan I knew I wanted something neutral. A colour that would go with anything yet still looking amazing on its own.

When Tanis’ Green Label arrived in her new colourway Chris Grey I was in heaven. A soft grey with a very subtle green throughout to give it that little pop.

Green Label is superwash and definitely grows when blocking. I was terrified to put my gorgeous cardi in the dryer as recommended on the ball band but Tanis assured me it would be ok. I kept a VERY close eye on it and ended up having to leaving it in a bit longer in my old machine to get it back to normal size.

 My only mods while knitting were to add a bit of length to the body and sleeves to accommodate my long torso and arms. I also omitted the button holes altogether.

The perfect cardigan that has seen a lot of wear already and will continue to through Autumn and Winter.

If you happen to be at Knit East in a few weeks you’ll get to see it in action.