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FO – Low Tide | Celtic Cast On

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Hello out there! Is there anyone left?

It’s been quite some time since I have used the blog but for some reason I feel compelled today to share. There has been knitting albeit not the amount that I am used to but that’s ok, things change and we all just have to adjust with it.

We went on a short little trip lately and I took something completely monotonous to work on. When I’m stuck in the car for hours at a time there is nothing I love more than stockinette in the round. I don’t need to look at it and my hands just automatically know the drill. I started Low Tide by Sara Gresbach

It has been quite some time since I have knit T a garment and I decided she needed once last chance to actually wear something I knit her. She finds most things itchy so I let her pick out two colours from my never ending Cotton Ease stash.

Pattern:Low Tide by Sara Gresbach

YARN: Lion Brand Cotton Ease in Stone and Azalea

Mods: I knit 2″ stripes and 2 decreases at the beginning of sleeve then knit straight to cuffs.

My Rav project page

The sweater knit up in no time and even having to adjust and reknit the sleeve an extra time still didn’t slow me down much.

I love the side split on each side of this sweater, it makes things less bulky around the bottom and it sits just perfectly.

The stripe sizes in the pattern are optional so I went with a thick stripe of 2″

The sleeves as I’ve said where my only issue. My girl spends 99.9% of her time hanging from trees and monkey bars so her muscular arms ended up looking like stuffed sausages in the sleeves as written. I opted to only decrease a couple of stitches and then knit straight to the cuff which fit much better on my little tank.

A quick and easy sweater that she will hopefully get use out of when it cools down a bit. For now we are going to take the sunshine and enjoy it!

If you are still reading I would love to hear from you. I’m on the fence about whether to keep going with blogging or not.