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Yarn Along 4

Joining Ginny over at Small Things for Yarn Along.
“~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, and the evidence of this often shows up in my photographs. I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? … ~”

I have two books to share with you this week.  I took the first book back to the library before I remembered I needed it for my picture so this will have to do.

The Reader this was a strange read for me. I had anticipated a page turner that I just couldn’t put down but that just wasn’t the case.          The story begins with 15 year old Michael who becomes ill while on a street in his  home town.  A women named Hanna helps him and it isn’t until he goes back to thank her months later that he becomes seduced by her and so begins their love affair.

The affair ends abruptly with Hanna disappearing one day and Michael doesn’t see her again for may years. It is only when he is a law student listening in on a case that he see’s Hanna, as a defendant in the court case. The story does pick up from there and I’m glad I read to the end but I found myself wondering why parts of the book where even in there.  This book gets great reviews on goodreads and amazon so maybe it was just me. As you will notice from the books cover, it has been made into a movie with Kate Winslet. I’ve requested the book from my local library, I’m interested to see how it plays out as a movie.

The second book is A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, author of  The Kite Runner. If you haven’t read The Kite Runner READ IT, GREAT BOOK!

A Thousand Splendid Suns did not disappoint either. Set in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion, Taliban ruling and then rebuilding post Taliban this book bares it all.  The novel is seperated into 3 parts:

In part one you meet Miriam, who at five years old learns she is  a hirami. (illegitimate child) Her wealthy father Jalil, seduced a house keeper, Miriam mum and upon shaming his other wives and family moved Miriam and Nana to a shack  outside the city. Miriam dreams of living with her father and finally demands his attention not realizing the consequences of her actions.

In part two you meet Lalia. Growing up in Kabul with loving parents and her best friend Tariq. She is destined for big things her father thinks, and teaches Laila that school is the most important thing in her life right now. The war however changes things for Lalia and her world would never be the same.

In part three Lalia and Miriam unexpectedly are brought together through a turn of events. This story will leave you saddened but with a greater knowledge of what not only the women but the people of Afghanistan  have been through.

Eagerly awaiting Hosseini’s next book. It’s sure to be another that I can’t put down.

T’s Pick – T’s pick this week is Pajama Time by Sandra Boynton. We have several books from this author, all written in rhyming song. Fun to read and easily remembered as I read it over and over. This is one of those books I don’t even need to look at to recite. “Pull on the bottoms, put on the top, get yourself set to Pajama de bop, It’s Pajama Time!!” Guaranteed to grab your little ones attention.

Knitting- Lastly the knitting! This week I’m polishing off the second sock of another test knit for Jeannie Cartmel. This pattern is called Complicated.  Its not really complicated, it just a sock chocked full of cables to keep you on your toes. Gusset here I come!